Conservation and sustainable development projects

Volunteering programs

Since August 2021, our volunteering programs have made significant advances in conservation efforts:

  • Over 80 volunteers have joined us in 17 groups.
  • With 8 local communities, we’ve completed over 200 conservation activities.
  • We’ve raised over 900,000 Mexican pesos to support these endeavors.
  • Our patrols have conducted nearly 70 missions to safeguard sea turtles.
  • We’ve hosted over 30 environmental education workshops.
  • Organized more than 30 clean-up events in natural areas.
  • Collaborated with local groups to install 28 camera traps for wildlife monitoring.

Thank you to all of you who believe in our work. All of these results would be impossible without the support of all of our volunteers.

Status: ONGOING (08/2021 – Present)

Euro-MexiCoR Hub on ecotourism for rural communities’ development: MEXECO

MEXECO (the acronym for this project) is created to promote ecotourism as a guideline for the sustainable growth and development in rural communities of Mexico and Costa Rica.

This will be achieved through the establishment of Rural Training Workshops in the communities, in addition to the implementation of an online course, focused on reaching a wider audience, targeting students interested in the sustainable development of natural areas through ecotourism.

Status: STARTING (11/2024 – 11/2027)

Strengthening local conservation work of sea turtles of Escobilla indigenous community cooperative during COVID crisis

Together with Kowabunga Ecoproject, we coordinated the project this project. The main activities were:

  • Studying and implementing alternatives for financing the protection of sea turtles through ecotourism,
  • Purchasing materials to repair the facilities after Hurricane Agatha,
  • Repairing the road to the turtle camp
  • Purchasing other materials such as wheels for the quad, the main tool during night patrols.
  • Buying materials for the environmental education workshops.
  • This project also helped financially to design the volunteer program and initiate its pilot phase, which started together with the Escobilla Ecotourism Center.

Link: Van Tienhoven Foundation

Status: FINISHED (08/2021 – 08/2022)

Barreras del medio rural y alternativas sostenibles para la conservación de la tortuga marina en la Comunidad de Escobilla, estado de Oaxaca, Mexico.

Evolution of Ecotourism in Coastal Indigenous Communities: Comparison of the Case Studies of La Ventanilla and La Escobilla in Oaxaca, Mexico

  • Published in: Sustainability |
  • Author/s: Clara Cordón 1; Beatriz Carmena 2; Martín C. Giménez 1; José L. García 1; Carlos Calderon-Guerrero 1

Technical support for community conservation enterprises (ECC) in tourism along the Chacahua Lagoons – Huatulco Bays corridor.

Part of our team participated in supporting and strengthening five community conservation enterprises (ECC) in tourism along the Chacahua Lagoons – Huatulco Bays corridor, assisting with the implementation of their business plans and enhancing their financial, market, and business capacities.

These local groups were:

  • Las Ninfas ecoturística
  • Servicios Ecoturísticos La Ventanilla
  • Ecoturismo Manialtepec
  • Aventura y ecoturismo Lagunas de Chacahua
  • Campamento tortuguero Bahías de Chacahua

Status: FINISHED (12/2023 – 09/2024)


Starting environmental workshops in Escobilla and Ventanilla, we gave a next step creating the environmental brigades!

Pollination project supported us to strengthen the groups to protect their environment with a mini grant during the 2021-22 period.

We’ve focused the project that they supported on humming birds and their conservation in Oaxaca with them.

Creating an Environmental Brigade in Mexico (

Nowadays, we develop environmental workshops, beach clean-ups with children and youngsters in Escobilla, Ventanilla and San José Manialtepec communities.

Last updated on 09/2024